The laughter and squeals of delight are no cause for concern; it will simply be your guests being amazed by Alex Mehl’s Magic. Scroll below now to learn how you can add the most incredible close up magic to your next affair.

Summer Camps
Let’s be honest – summer campers are tough to please.
It’s no easy task booking entertainment that will not only WOW your campers but also keep your staff and counselors entertained too.
Plus there is always a ton of stress and worry about whether or not the entertainer will do a good job.
Well look no further – The Alex Mehl Show is just what you’ve been searching for – it’s Fresh Funny & Unforgettable.
The perfect mix of comedy magic, lots of audience interaction and the best part is – it’s an all inclusive experience – making your job as easy as possible.
Family Shows/Private Events/Holiday Events
When you want your party to be the talk of the town…
An event that your guests will remember forever…
There is one entertainer you need to call – ALEX MEHL.
The reason families all over the area, invite Alex back to their events year after year – is that he provides pure family programing. His magic & comedy are age appropriate allowing the kids to be amazed while the adults are entertained.

Family Shows/Private Events/Holiday Events
When you want your party to be the talk of the town…
An event that your guests will remember forever…
There is one entertainer you need to call – ALEX MEHL.
The reason families all over the area, invite Alex back to their events year after year – is that he provides pure family programing. His magic & comedy are age appropriate allowing the kids to be amazed while the adults are entertained.

Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and Weddings
A touch of class & elegance with just the right mix of laughter & fun. That’s what you can expect as Alex Mehl entertains your guests with sophisticated slight of hand and intimate miracles performed right before your very eyes.
Imagine objects appearing & disappearing… a signed photo comes to life… and a borrowed coin penetrating a solid block of steel… all just inches away from your face and in some cases, these miracles happen in the palm of your hand!
The laughter and squeals of delight are no cause for concern; it will simply be your guests being amazed by Alex Mehl’s Magic.